Updated: Oct 14, 2024

How Much Does It Cost to Develop an App in 2024?


Written By: Ibad Noor

Content Strategist

Ibad Noor
Content Strategist at The App Founders

With over 5 years of experience in the tech industry, including app development, game development, MVP development, and team augmentation, Ibad Noor specializes in crafting effective marketing strategies and providing insights into the app development lifecycle.

Reviewed By: Felix Fern

Senior Client Partner

Felix Fern
Senior Client Partner at The App Founders

Felix Fern brings over 10 years of experience in mobile app development. As a Senior Client Partner, he offers expert guidance and oversight on complex app development projects, ensuring the highest standards of quality and effectiveness.

Reviewed By: Sufyan Sheikh

CEO - The App Founders

Sufyan Sheikh
CEO - The App Founders

As the CEO of a prominent app development firm, Sufyan brings 15 years of extensive experience in mobile technology, software architecture, and strategies for developing minimum viable products (MVPs). His expertise ensures that our technical content is both accurate and highly relevant.

00Knowledge and Understanding of the Mobile App Market

01 Factors Influencing App Development Costs

02 Cost Estimation by App Type

03 App Development Cost (Stages)

04 Cost of Hiring App Developers

05 The App Founders vs. In-House vs. Freelancers – Comparative Analysis

06 Extra Financial Factors to Consider

07 Conclusion

The app development market is changing in 2024 due to growing consumer demands and market trends. To make a successful and competitive app that is relevant and reliable for an extended period of time, businesses and developers are adjusting and making sure they meet consumers demands and interact with them more effectively.

Knowledge and Understanding of the Mobile App Market

Progress in Technology:

These days, app developers must possess a thorough grasp of artificial intelligence because these technologies aid in improving app performance and user experience while adhering to rapidly evolving industry trends. AR is utilized to increase user engagement, while AI is used for suggestions and personal usage.

Procedures for Development:

Design, development, testing, deployment, and discovery are some of the phases of the development process. Costs and regulations are specific to each step. However, methods like Agile are gaining popularity because they promote ongoing development and feedback, which lowers costs and enhances the end product.

Industrial Patterns

When it comes to security, optimal performance, design, and dependability, users have high expectations. They anticipate it to be very user-friendly and professional. On the other hand, real-time data processing, customization, and regulatory compliance raise the possibilities of an app's profitability and success.

1. Factors Influencing App Development Costs

8 Factors That Affect The Mobile App Development

1. Mobile App Complexity

Simple Apps Cost:

These apps have minimal features, often providing a single function or simple user interface. Examples include basic calculators, to-do lists, and news readers. Costs typically range from $16,000 to $32,000.

Moderate Apps Cost:

These apps have more features and complex user interfaces. Examples include fitness trackers, photo editing apps, and chat applications. Costs range from $32,000 to $48,000.

Complex Apps Cost:

These apps have advanced features and integrations and require significant backend infrastructure. Examples include social media platforms, large-scale e-commerce applications, and multi-user games. Costs can exceed $72,000.

App Complexity Examples Features Development Cost
Simple Basic calculators, To-do lists, News readers
  • Minimal features
  • Single function or simple UI
$16,000 - $32,000
Moderate Fitness trackers, Photo editing apps, Chat applications
  • More features and complex UI
  • May include APIs, GPS tracking, real-time chat
$32,000 - $42,000
Complex Social media platforms, E-commerce applications, Multi-user games
  • Advanced features and integrations
  • Significant backend infrastructure
  • Extensive security
$32,000 - $42,000

2. Platform Choice

iOS App:

Development for iOS is typically more expensive due to higher standards for UI/UX design and stringent App Store guidelines.

Android App:

Developing for Android can be costlier in terms of testing due to the wide variety of devices and operating system versions.

Cross-Platform App:

Using frameworks like React Native or Flutter can reduce costs by allowing a single codebase for both iOS and Android but may involve trade-offs in performance and UI consistency.

Hybrid Apps:

Hybrid apps are built using frameworks like React Native or Ionic, allowing a single codebase to run on multiple platforms. They can access device features such as GPS and camera, making them versatile and cost-effective.

Web Apps:

Web applications operate directly in a web browser and are very flexible. The simplicity and ease of creation of these applications have made them much more popular.

3. Feature Set

Basic Feature Integration:

Integrating key features like user authentication (login and sign-up) is essential for meeting basic user requirements. These fundamental elements help create a solid foundation, improving the user experience and making the app more intuitive and responsive for daily use.

Features Function Approximate Time Average Cost
User Login - Login with social media
- Login with email address
- Forgot password option
- Log out option
30-42 hours $500 – $1,000
Profile Completion - Add basic info
- Add photo
- Set region
30-40 hours $900 - $1,000
Messaging - Online/offline status
- Typing status
- Send media files and documents
- Read/sent status
170-180 hours $3,000 - $5,000
Push Notifications - Push notifications and reminders for users 25-32 hours $1,000 – $1,200
Basic Admin Panel: User Management - See list of users
- Delete/block user
- Create user
- Edit user
66-90 hours $3,500 - $4,000

Advanced Feature Integration

Adding complex and specialized functionality to a program that goes beyond the fundamentals results in improved user experiences and capabilities—a process known as advanced feature integration. These features might include real-time analytics for monitoring user behavior, augmented reality (AR) for immersive experiences, artificial intelligence (AI) for personalized suggestions, and sophisticated security features like biometric identification. 

Features Function Approximate Time Average Cost
Payments - Transaction history
- Check balance
- Add debit/credit card
- Add other payment gateways (e.g., Paytm, PayPal)
60-78 hours $2,500 - $3,000
Maps - Detect user’s location
- Set pickup and destination point
100-120 hours $3,000 - $4,000
Calls - Audio calls
- List of contacts
- Video calls
300-400 hours $14,000 - $15,000
Real-Time Chat - Instant messaging
- Typing indicators
- Media sharing
- Chat history
150-200 hours $4,000 - $6,000
Geolocation Services - Real-time tracking
- Location-based services
- Geo-fencing
- Location history
80-100 hours $3,000 - $5,000
Social Integration - Social media login
- Sharing content on social platforms
- Social feed integration
60-90 hours $2,500 - $4,000
Push Notifications - Advanced notification settings
- Scheduled notifications
- Personalized alerts
40-60 hours $1,500 - $2,500
AI Integration - Machine learning models
- Predictive analytics
- Chatbots and virtual assistants
200-300 hours $8,000 - $12,000
Augmented Reality (AR) - AR object placement
- AR interactions
- AR navigation and gamification
250-350 hours $10,000 - $15,000
Blockchain Integration - Secure transactions
- Smart contracts
- Decentralized data storage
150-200 hours $7,000 - $10,000
Voice Recognition - Speech-to-text
- Voice commands
- Voice search
120-180 hours $5,000 - $8,000
In-App Analytics - User behavior tracking
- In-app events tracking
- Custom reports
60-80 hours $2,500 - $3,500
Multi-Language Support - Localization
- Translation
- Internationalization
80-100 hours $2,000 - $4,000
Security Features - Two-factor authentication
- Biometric authentication (e.g., fingerprint, face recognition)
- Data encryption
100-150 hours $3,500 - $5,500
Subscription Management - User subscriptions
- Recurring billing
- In-app purchases
70-90 hours $2,500 - $3,500
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4. User Interface and Experience Design

UI/UX Design Cost Breakdown

UX/UI design costs are generally divided into several components. Prototyping, the design stage, usability testing, and research and analysis occur first. It takes time and skill, and costs may vary according to the project's nature and difficulties, the number of screens, and the specific features required. Still, a large portion of the overall app development cost is paid during these phases.

Features Function Approximate Time Average Cost
Basic UI/UX - Standard design templates
- Basic user interfaces
- Minimal customization
- Simple color schemes
- Pre-defined icon sets
- Basic usability testing
30-60 hours $5,000 - $10,000
Custom UI/UX - Tailored designs
- Unique user flows
- Advanced animations
- Custom color palettes
- Original iconography
- Detailed usability testing
- Interactive prototypes
80-150 hours $10,000 - $50,000

5. Development Team

Here is a rough estimate of your mobile app development costs, depending on the app's complexity and whether you choose to work with an in-house development team, an outsourced team, or an experienced app development company.

Cost Factor Simple App Medium App Complex App
Development Time 2-6 months 6-9 months 9-15 months
Developers $30,000 - $40,000 $50,000 - $60,000 $100,000+
UI/UX Designer $4,000 - $5,000 $5,000 - $7,000 $10,000 - $15K
Project Manager $5,000 - $7,000 $10,000 - $15,000 $10,000+
QA Specialist $8,000 - $10,000 $15,000 - $20,000 $20,000+
Business Analyst $2,000 - $3,000 $5,000 - $8,000 $8,000 - $10,000
DevOps $2,000 - $4,000 $5,000 - $7,000 $10,000+
Solution Architect $1,000 - $3,000 $5,000 - $8,000 $9,000+
Total $20,000 - $50,000 $50,000 - $100,000 $100,000+

6.  Development Methodology

Development methodology is the systematic process or strategy development teams use to plan, design, create, test, and deploy software applications. Standard methodologies include Agile and Waterfall Methodology.

Element Agile Approach Waterfall Approach
Development Technique Iteration and gradual Iteration and gradual
Adaptability High; permits modifications and alterations Low; inflexible structure, little flexibility
Integrating Feedback Constant critique/feedback and advancements Integration of feedback usually occurs at the end.
Project Stages Split up into trials or deadlines. Each phase is finished one after the other.
Financial Consequences May lower expenses by refining stuff regularly Rigidity might lead to possibly higher expenses.
Ideal For Projects with fluctuating parameters Projects with consistent, well-defined requirements
Management of Risks Reduce risk by making frequent changes. Greater risk if modifications are required later
Records Low importance of initial documentation Thorough documentation before development
The Duration of Sale Usually faster due to iterative releases Usually slower because of the systematic manner

7. Maintenance and Updates

Maintenance and updates are essential when designing applications since the program has to be safe and user-friendly over time. Bug fixes, frequent updates, feature improvements, a staff for support and maintenance, an average pricing range, and performance tracking are all part of this process.

Aspect Description Cost Range
Bug Fixes Identifying and resolving issues reported by users or found through monitoring. Included in overall support
Regular Updates Implementing updates to improve functionality, enhance security, and address any new issues. Included in overall support
Feature Enhancements Adding new features or upgrading existing ones based on user feedback and market trends. Included in overall support
Performance Monitoring Continuously monitoring the app’s performance to ensure it operates smoothly and efficiently. Rigidity might lead to possibly higher expenses.
Scope of Updates The extent and complexity of updates required; more extensive updates will increase costs. Variable
Frequency of Updates How often updates are performed; regular updates can lead to higher costs. Variable
Support and Maintenance Team The size and expertise of the team managing post-launch support, which can affect overall costs. Variable
Average Cost Range Post-launch support typically costs between $5,000 and $20,000 per year. $5,000 - $20,000/year

8. Technology Stack

Understanding the technology stack is crucial for assessing the cost and value of integrating advanced technologies into your app. Below is a breakdown of emerging technologies, their descriptions, and associated costs:

Aspect Description Cost Range
Artificial Intelligence (AI) AI enhances user experiences with features like personalized recommendations, intelligent automation, and data-driven insights. $10,000 - $50,000
Machine Learning (ML) ML enables applications to learn from user data, improving functionality and predictions over time with adaptive algorithms. $15,000 - $60,000
Augmented Reality (AR) AR overlays digital elements onto the real world, creating immersive and interactive user experiences. $20,000 - $50,000
Blockchain Blockchain technology offers secure, transparent transactions and data management, useful for applications requiring high security. $20,000 - $70,000
Virtual Reality (VR) VR provides fully immersive virtual environments, ideal for applications in gaming, training simulations, and virtual tours. $30,000 - $100,000
Internet of Things (IoT) IoT connects devices to collect and exchange data, enabling smart applications and enhancing device interactivity. $30,000 - $100,000

2. Cost Estimation by App Type

The cost of developing a mobile app can vary significantly based on its type and the features it incorporates. Below is a breakdown of estimated costs across different app categories, providing a guideline for budgeting and planning your app development project:

App Type Typical Features Cost Range ($) ET to Develop
Education App Interactive content, quizzes, multimedia features $50,000 - $300,000 4 - 8 months
Finance App Budgeting, expense tracking, financial transactions $60,000 - $300,000 4 - 8 months
eCommerce App Product listings, shopping cart, payment gateways $40,000 - $300,000 4 - 8 months
Social Media App Real-time updates, media sharing, complex back-end $50,000 - $300,000 6 - 12 months
Productivity App Task management, cloud synchronization, notifications $20,000 - $100,000 2 - 4 month
Restaurant App Menu management, online ordering, reservation system $20,000 - $80,000 2 - 4 months
Video Streaming App High-quality video streaming, user accounts, content library $50,000 - $300,000 4 - 8 months
Music Streaming App Music library, playlist creation, offline access $50,000 - $250,000 4 - 8 months
Fitness App Workout plans, progress tracking, social features $30,000 - $150,000 3 - 6 months
Travel App Booking systems, itinerary management, user reviews $40,000 - $200,000 4 - 8 months
Health App Health tracking, medical records, appointment scheduling $50,000 - $200,000 4 - 8 months
Delivery App Order tracking, delivery management, payment processing $30,000 - $200,000 3 - 6 months
Community App Discussion forums, event management, user management $20,000 - $150,000 2 - 4 months
Taxi App GPS integration, real-time tracking, payment gateways $40,000 - $200,000 3 - 5 months
Real Estate App Property listings, search filters, agent profiles $30,000 - $150,000 3 - 6 months

Education App:

With dynamic and interactive learning, educational applications also provide a productive and engaging environment for users, differentiating them from other apps. To increase learning effectiveness, they provide exciting programs and exercises to practice. One well-known example is Duolingo, which offers quick language classes with engaging and entertaining features. Users find it beneficial to practice and participate in fascinating activities and learn from them because it is user-friendly and cost-effective.

Finance App

Financial applications are designed to assist users in effectively managing their financial affairs. They provide tools for monitoring investments, making budgets, and tracking spending. One of the examples is Mint. It establishes connections with many credit card issuers and bank accounts to automatically classify transactions, provide customized spending plans, and offer behavioral insights.

Social Media App

Social media applications enable users to connect and share experiences from their lives by facilitating content sharing, social networking, and user engagement. One famous example is Instagram, where users may upload images and videos, use filters, interact with other users by liking pictures, and send direct messages.

eCommerce App

With their vast product catalogs, easy-to-use search features, and safe payment processing, E-Commerce applications are revolutionizing online shopping. In this area, Amazon excels because of its extensive selection, easy-to-use interface, and quick checkout procedure.

Productivity App

Apps for productivity are crucial for managing assignments, planning projects, and simplifying procedures. This is best shown by Todoist's task management features, which let users create and rank tasks, establish due dates, and group projects using labels and filters

Restaurant App

Restaurant applications with tools for online ordering, bookings, and menu management improve the eating experience. One excellent example is Open-Table, which lets customers easily explore restaurant alternatives, verify availability, and make appointments. 

Video Streaming App

Original material is available for on-demand viewing via video streaming applications, including playback controls and an intuitive user interface. A well-known example is Netflix, which offers various material and features like multiple accounts and offline downloading. 

Music Streaming App

Music streaming services offer various musical preferences, including extensive song collections, customized playlists, and offline access. In this regard, Spotify shines, offering users a vast music library, well-crafted playlists, and listening behavior-based suggestions. 

Fitness App

Through various functions, fitness apps assist users in tracking their exercises, keeping tabs on their progress, and maintaining motivation. One of the best examples is My Fitness Pal, which combines food and exercise tracking.

Travel App

Travel applications make planning routes, making hotel reservations, and researching locations easier. TripAdvisor provides a complete travel platform that allows users to plan their vacation itinerary, read reviews, and reserve accommodations, flights, and activities.

Health App

Health apps help users manage their health by keeping track of medical information, making appointments, and measuring wellness. One example is My Chart, which gives customers access to their test results, medical history, and appointment scheduling.

Delivery App

Delivery applications provide convenience and real-time information while streamlining the ordering and tracking processes. A well-liked option for meal delivery is DoorDash, which lets customers order from nearby eateries, explore menus, and follow deliveries in real time.

Community App

With the help of community applications, people with similar interests may connect, have conversations, and plan events. This is best shown by Reddit, which provides a forum where users may interact with one another and with information on various subjects and join and join communities.

Taxi App

Taxi applications provide safe payment processing, GPS monitoring, and easy trip booking. Uber is a prime example, enabling consumers to schedule trips and monitor drivers in real-time.

Real Estate App

Apps for real estate make it easier to look for properties, provide comprehensive listings, and link buyers and sellers. With its comprehensive property listings, search filters, and house exploration options, Zillow is a well-known app in this area.

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3. App Development Cost (Stages)

When embarking on the journey of app development, understanding the cost implications at each stage is crucial. This guide breaks down the cost factors across four key stages:

  • Discovery/Pre-Research
  • UI/Design
  • Development, and Testing and Deployment.

1. Discovery/Pre-Research Stage


The Discovery/Pre-Research stage is the foundation of your app development project. It involves understanding the market, defining your app’s goals, identifying target users, and outlining the app’s core features. This stage sets the direction for the entire project.

Key Activities:

  • Market research
  • Competitor analysis
  • Defining app objectives and user personas
  • Creating a project roadmap
  • Initial technical feasibility assessment

Cost Factors:

Scope of research: More extensive research will increase costs.

Expert consultation: Engaging industry experts can be costly but valuable.

Tools and resources: Paid tools for market analysis can add to expenses.

Average Cost Range: $5,000 - $25,000

2. UI/Design Stage


The UI/Design stage focuses on creating the visual and interactive elements of your app. This includes wireframes, prototypes, and the final design. A well-designed interface ensures a positive user experience, which is crucial for app success.

Key Activities:

  • Wireframing and prototyping
  • User interface (UI) design
  • User experience (UX) design
  • Design iterations based on feedback
  • Branding and graphic design

Cost Factors:

Complexity of design: More complex designs require more time and effort.

Number of screens: Apps with numerous screens will cost more to design.

Designer expertise: Hiring seasoned designers can be more expensive.

Average Cost Range: $10,000 - $35,000

3. Development Stage


The Development stage is where the app’s functionality is built. This involves front-end and back-end development, integrating third-party services, and ensuring the app operates smoothly across different devices and platforms.

Key Activities:

  • Front-end development
  • Back-end development
  • API integration
  • Database setup
  • Coding and Programming
  • Development of core features

Cost Factors:

Platform choice: Developing for both iOS and Android is costlier than for one platform.

Feature complexity: Advanced features like AI, AR/VR, and real-time synchronization add to costs.

Development team: The size and expertise of the development team impact the cost.

Average Cost Range: $20,000 - $200,000

4. Testing and Deployment Stage


The Testing and Deployment stage ensures that the app is free of bugs, performs well, and meets user expectations. This involves rigorous testing, making necessary improvements, and finally, launching the app on app stores.

Key Activities:

  • Functional testing
  • Usability testing
  • Performance testing
  • Security testing
  • Bug fixing and iterations
  • App store submission and launch

Cost Factors:

Testing tools: Using advanced testing tools can increase costs.

Number of test cycles: More iterations mean higher costs.

Deployment requirements: Costs associated with app store submission and compliance.

Average Cost Range: $20,000 - $200,000

5. Maintenance and Updates Stage


The Maintenance and Updates stage focuses on keeping the app functional, secure, and up-to-date after its initial launch. This stage involves regular updates, bug fixes, and feature enhancements to ensure long-term app performance and user satisfaction.

Key Activities:

  • Bug fixes and troubleshooting
  • Regular updates to address new OS versions and device compatibility
  • Adding new features and improvements
  • Security patches and vulnerability assessments
  • User feedback integration

Cost Factors:

Frequency of Updates: Regular updates increase ongoing costs.

Complexity of Fixes: More complex issues or major feature additions can raise costs.

Support and Monitoring: Continuous monitoring and support can impact the budget.

Average Cost Range: $5,000 - $20,000 per year

4: Cost of Hiring App Developers

Hiring skilled app developers is a significant part of your app development budget. Here, we outline the average annual salaries of mobile app developers by country and highlight the highest-paying cities in the US for app developers, using recent statistics from 2024.

Average Mobile App Developer Annual Salary by Country (in $k):

The average salary of the Mobile App developer varies by country, considering the various factors such as living expenses, industry, and tech demand in that region. It typically varies from $70K-$100k.

Source: Glassdoor, Payscale, Indeed, Hired, Statista

Country Average Annual Salary ($k)
United States $110k
Canada $85k
United Kingdom $80k
Germany $75k
Australia $95k
Brazil $40k

Highest Paying Cities in the US for an App Developer (in $k):

San Francisco is The highest-paying city in the US for an app developer. Then comes New York and Seattle, followed by Boston.

Source: https://www.indeed.com/career/application-developer/salaries

City Average Annual Salary ($k)
San Francisco, CA $140k
New York, NY $130k
Seattle, WA $125k
Los Angeles, CA $120k
Boston, MA $115k

Factors Affecting Salaries

  • Level of Experience: Developers with higher levels of expertise get paid more.
  • Market requirements: Salaries rise in some IT centers due to increased demand.
  • Living expenses: Salary levels are often higher in cities with more significant living expenses.

Knowing these pricing standards, you may make well-informed recruitments and set a more realistic budget for your app development project. Recall that hiring skilled developers is essential to the profitability and reliability of your software.

5. The App Founders vs. In-House vs. Freelancers – Comparative Analysis

When it comes to app development, choosing the right team structure is crucial. Here’s a comparative analysis of three common approaches: hiring app founders, building an in-house team, and working with freelancers.

Feature / Metric The App Founders In-House Team Freelancers
Custom Build Solution
AI-Powered Solution
Source Code & IP Rights
Post-Launch Support
Agile Development Methodology
Comprehensive Testing and QA
Robust Security Measures
Integration of Latest Technologies
24/7 Customer Support
Team Size 100+ Global Talent 20-50 Varies
Cost Range $50,000 - $500,000 $100k - $500k (P.a) $20 - $150 hourly
Time to Market Fast Moderate Variable
Project Management Dedicated Managers Internal PMs Self-Managed
Flexibility High Moderate High
Communication & Collaboration High High Varies
Industry Experience Extensive Moderate Variable
Specialized Development Areas Yes (e.g., AI, AR) Limited Limited

6. Extra Financial Factors to Consider

Administration of Apps and Backend Infrastructure

  • Server Expenses: Estimate server expenses based on anticipated traffic and data storage needs. If cost management is a concern, consider using scalable cloud alternatives such as AWS, Google Cloud, or Azure.
  • Database Values: The cost of database services like MySQL, PostgreSQL, or NoSQL databases (MongoDB, DynamoDB) will depend on the intricacy and size of your application.
  • Costs for API Integration: If your app uses third-party APIs to integrate features such as social networking platforms, mapping services, or payment gateways, keep track of the expenses associated with API use or subscriptions.

Law and Order

  • Privacy & Data Protection: Honor local, state, federal, and international laws—such as the CCPA in California, the GDPR in Europe, and other regulations—and ensure compliance. Legal advice, data security setup, and possible penalties for noncompliance are a few examples of costs. 
  • Conditions of Usage and Privacy Policy: Online templates or legal expenditures may be incurred in drafting and maintaining terms of service and privacy policies that comply with the law.

Promotion and Deployment

  • Initial Market Analysis: Research the market to learn about your rivals, target market, and industry trends. Expenses include employing web tools for study or contracting with market research organizations. 
  • Marketing Techniques: Set aside money to promote your app through conventional media (press releases, events) and digital marketing channels (social media advertisements, influencer marketing, content marketing).
  • Optimizing App Stores (ASO): Invest in App Store Optimization (ASO) tactics to increase app downloads and exposure (Google Play Store, Apple App Store).
  • Initial activities: To create excitement and draw in early adopters, consider organizing launch parties or attending conferences for this industry.


Given how competitive the industry is, businesses developing mobile applications must use extreme caution. They should employ qualified developers to ensure that the outcome is efficient, professional, and fits the client's demands. Other crucial elements contributing to the process's simplification include budgeting, regular evaluations, and legal compliance. However, if you follow these guidelines, there's a good chance that your app will succeed.

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