Top Free Intermittent Fasting Apps in 2023

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Top Free Intermittent Fasting Apps in 2023

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November 27th, 2023

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Intermittent Fasting has gained immense popularity as an effective approach to weight management and overall health improvement. As more individuals adopt this lifestyle, the role of technology, particularly intermittent fasting apps, becomes crucial in ensuring success and sustainability. This article explores the top free periodic fasting apps in 2023 and how they contribute to a successful fasting journey.

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Why Use Intermittent Fasting Apps?

Many individuals find it challenging to consistently track their fasting windows and eating patterns. Intermittent apps address this challenge by providing a user-friendly platform that helps monitor fasting periods, follow meals, set reminders, and offer access to valuable informational resources.

Criteria for Choosing a Good Intermittent Fasting App

Selecting the right app is crucial for a seamless intermittent fasting experience. Look for apps with a user-friendly interface, customization options, integration with health-tracking devices, and community support features. These criteria ensure that the app aligns with your specific goals and preferences.

Top Free Intermittent Fasting Apps in 2023

Here are the best free intermittent apps in 2023

Zero: The Best Fasting App


Zero is the top-notch app for Intermittent Fasting. It comes with timers, tools, and journals essential for starting this eating pattern.

 The app also offers helpful articles on Fasting, the best drinks for the fasting period, and tips for better sleep. It even has a mood graph feature where you can rate how you’re feeling. The best part? It’s easy to use and completely free. If you want extra guidance, there’s a premium version for $69.99 a year, which includes coaching on Fasting.



Window is an all-in-one app that simplifies Intermittent Fasting. It helps users plan their eating windows and sends notifications when the window opens and closes. The app also syncs data with the Apple Health app. It’s free on Android and iOS with cool features. However, the premium version costs $9.99 monthly. With the premium version, you get various fasting plans, daily notes, and the ability to track your weight with pictures.

Fastic: Free Fasting App


Intermittent Fasting isn’t just about fasting; it’s also about nourishing your body with healthy food. Fastic has over 400 recipes with nutritious ingredients to provide all the essential nutrients your body needs. The app also educates you on how the body works during Fasting and includes unique features like a step counter.
Fastic is a free app for Android and iOS, but it offers a monthly prime membership starting at $11.99. The premium membership provides complete recipe books and daily challenges to motivate you.



If you want to keep tabs on when you’re fasting and what you’re eating, the Fasting app is the way to go. It lets you log your food, provides a spacious journal section, and shows your progress in easy-to-read graphs.

Tracking is important for staying motivated during intermittent Fasting, and this app is perfect. You can install the basic app for free, and if you want more features, the premium version of Fasting costs $4.99 per year.

BodyFast: Best Intermittent Fasting App


BodyFast is an excellent app for intermittent Fasting, offering ten different fasting plans. It provides helpful guidance and tips for planning your meals. If you’re committed to intermittent Fasting but find the daily details challenging, this app can troubleshoot your issues. The best part is that it’s a free periodic app that gives you everything you need.



Vora is a well-known app for tracking intermittent Fasting, showing your weight loss progress, daily fasting time, and goal timing. What sets this app apart is its strong community support. Studies show that having a supportive community can contribute to great success. Being part of a community with similar goals can motivate you to stick to your plan.

This app is the best free fasting app for both Android and iOS. If you upgrade to the $4.99 version, you get additional ways to track progress and access guidance from a coach.



DoFasting offers seven different plans for intermittent Fasting (IF), educational articles and over 5000 recipes. This all-in-one fitness app includes workout videos, providing everything from diet plans to exercise sessions. Users can create daily meal plans and check if they stay within their recommended calorie intake. The app can track your weight, steps, and water intake.

FastHabit: One of the Top Best Intermittent Fasting Apps


If you want to try various fasting plans, FastHabit is an excellent choice. It’s one of the best apps with no subscription fees, allowing you to stick to your intermittent fasting schedule.

Set up your preferred fasting window in the app and start whenever possible. You can also sync this app with Apple Watch and Health for comprehensive health management. It’s easy to set reminders and track your stats, and it’s the best free intermittent app. You’ll need a premium membership for more tracking features, which costs $2.99.

Life Intermittent Fast: Tracker

Life Intermittent Fast

This app is great for keeping track of your IF schedule. You can set your goals and the duration of your fasting periods. If you’re following the keto diet with intermittent Fasting, the app helps track when your body enters ketosis. You can also link with friends using the app for mutual motivation. The Life Fasting Tracker app is free to install, but the premium version, which unlocks customized fasting schedules, costs $2.99 monthly.

Ate Food Diary:

Ate Food Diary

The Ate Food Diary is an excellent app for tracking your fasting journey. It helps you create a visual diary of your food choices, allowing you to see how different foods make you feel.

You can also track the time between snacks and meals. If you’re into social media, this app lets you share your meals on your Instagram profile. All these great features come for free, but you can also opt for the premium version, which costs $9.99.



Simple is a straightforward, comprehensive app designed to motivate your weight loss journey. It creates a personalized intermittent fasting plan based on your body’s goals and needs.

The app provides expert advice and valuable tips to make your erratic fasting journey enjoyable and easy to follow. It can connect to your Apple Health app for tracking weight, sleep cycles, steps, and water intake. While the basic app is free, you can upgrade to the premium version for $14.99 to access personalized insights, motivational articles, and in-depth tracking of intermittent fasting plans.



iFasting is a free intermittent fasting tracker app with many valuable features to support your sporadic fasting success. It includes a journal where you can share your feelings, daily logs for tracking weight, reminders, and a calendar to document your body transformation.

Experts recommend this app for keeping users alert and engaged in their transformation journey. It provides a helping hand in achieving your goals, and the best part is that it’s free. However, purchasing a premium plan costs $9.99 per month, offering personalized fasting plans and a nutrition guide.


Are there any health risks linked with using these apps?

While intermittent Fasting has health benefits, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any fasting regimen, especially for individuals with pre-existing health conditions.

Do Fasting Apps Rank Among the Best Mobile App Genres in Demand?

Yes, with the increasing popularity of intermittent Fasting, fasting apps are among the most sought-after mobile app genres. The growing interest in health and wellness drives the demand.

What Are the Progressive Web App Development Solutions for Fasting Apps?

Progressive Web App Development Solutions offers an excellent solution for apps, providing a seamless user experience across various devices. They combine the best web and mobile app features, ensuring accessibility and user engagement.

How to Develop App UI/UX Design for Fasting Apps?

Developing a user-friendly UI/UX for apps involves understanding user needs, creating an intuitive interface, incorporating easy navigation, and ensuring a visually appealing design. Collaboration between designers and developers is key to a successful UI/UX. Hiring professional app developers such as The App Founders for health apps is advised.

How to Enhance Mobile User Experience Regarding Fasting Apps?

To enhance the mobile user experience for fasting apps, focus on responsive design, streamlined navigation, clear information presentation, and incorporating user feedback. Regular updates and improvements based on user insights contribute to a positive experience.

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Vital Aspects Unraveled


App Name Description Pricing
Zero Comprehensive app with timers, tools, and journals. Premium version available for $69.99/year with coaching on Fasting. Free with optional premium version.
Window All-in-one app for planning eating windows, syncs with Apple Health. Premium version at $9.99/month with additional features. Free with optional premium version.
Fastic Offers over 400 recipes, step counter, and education on Fasting. Monthly prime membership starting at $11.99 for complete features. Free with optional prime membership.
Fasting Allows logging food, spacious journal, and progress graphs. Premium version at $4.99/year for extra features. Free with optional premium version.
BodyFast Offers ten fasting plans, guidance, and tips for meal planning. Free periodic app with all features included. Free with no additional costs.
Vora Tracks fasting, weight loss progress, and offers community support. $4.99 version with extra features and coaching. Free with optional $4.99 version.
DoFasting Seven IF plans, educational articles, workout videos, and tracking features. Premium membership available. Free with optional premium membership.
FastHabit Allows trying various fasting plans with no subscription fees. Premium membership at $2.99 for additional tracking features. Free with optional premium membership.
Life Intermittent Fast Tracker Keeps track of IF schedule, sets goals, and supports keto diet. Premium version at $2.99 monthly for customized schedules. Free with optional premium version.
Ate Food Diary Tracks fasting journey, creates visual diaries, and allows social media sharing. Premium version at $9.99 for additional features. Free with optional premium version.
Simple Comprehensive app with personalized fasting plans. Premium version at $14.99 for insights, articles, and in-depth tracking. Free with optional premium version.
iFasting Free app with features like a journal, daily logs, reminders, and calendar for intermittent fasting. Premium plan at $9.99/month for personalized plans and nutrition guide. Free with optional premium plan.



Choosing the right intermittent fasting app can significantly impact the success of your fasting journey. Experiment with different apps to find the one that aligns with your preferences and goals. Embrace the community, stay consistent, and enjoy the benefits of improved health and well-being.

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