Angular vs. React vs. Vue: Comparing Front-End Frameworks

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Angular vs. React vs. Vue: Comparing Front-End Frameworks

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May 3rd, 2024

Front-end web development has undergone a significant transformation, with frameworks like Angular, React, and Vue shaping the landscape. These tools, pivotal in the arsenal of app development tools, have revolutionized how developers construct dynamic user interfaces. These open-source libraries allow developers to create complex web applications using modular and maintainable code.

This article provides a high-level comparison between Angular Vs. React Vs. Vue– three of the most widely used front-end frameworks today. 

We will examine their architectures, features, performance, learning curves, and other factors to help you decide which one may be best suited for your next project. 

History and Background

Here is a brief history of the 3 development frameworks.


Angular was first released in 2009 by Google as AngularJS. It was created by Google engineers Misko Hevery and Adam Abrons as a complete rewrite of an earlier JavaScript framework they had created called AngularJS.

The goal was to address common challenges in building single-page applications (SPAs). AngularJS gained popularity quickly due to its built-in two-way data binding between models and views.

In 2014, Angular 2 was released as a complete rewrite of AngularJS, focusing on mobile and desktop. Angular has continued to be maintained by Google on the latest major release Angular 13.


React was created in 2013 by Jordan Walke, a software engineer at Facebook. It was influenced by Facebook’s experience building single-page applications for their platform.

The goal was to build a library for creating declarative user interfaces that were fast, scalable, and simple. React aimed to solve common problems like slow rendering and difficulty maintaining complex UI code.

Facebook open-sourced React in 2015. It has since been maintained by Facebook and a community of developers on the latest major release, React 18.


Vue was created by Evan You in 2014, a former Google engineer who had worked on AngularJS. He designed Vue as a progressive framework that would be approachable for beginners and scalable for complex applications.

The goal was to build a flexible library that could add to existing websites incrementally. Vue aimed to combine the best aspects of Angular and React in a lightweight package.

Vue gained popularity quickly due to its simplicity and approachability. It is now maintained by Evan You and other open-source contributors on the latest release, Vue 3.

Main Features

Angular Vs. React Vs. Vue. are popular JavaScript frameworks for building user interfaces. The App Founders experts have curated the following comparison of their features for you to make better decisions. 

Data Binding

  • Angular uses two-way data binding between models and views. This means the view reflects the change when data is updated in the model and vice versa.
  • React uses one-way data binding from model to view. It relies on state and props rather than models. State changes trigger re-renders to update the view.
  • Vue supports both one-way and two-way binding. Its reactivity system tracks state changes to update what’s rendered.

So Angular and Vue provide tighter coupling between data and UI, while React favors more explicit data flows.


  • Angular uses declarative templating with HTML directives. Views are defined with HTML templates containing Angular directives and data bindings.
  • React uses JSX, which allows writing HTML-like template code in JavaScript. This avoids the separation of technologies but allows full JavaScript functionality in templates.
  • Vue templates are HTML-based, like Angular but allow optional JSX syntax. Vue combines templating and scripting capabilities in single-file components.

Angular and Vue rely more on HTML-based templates, while React embraces JavaScript templating.


  • Angular is based on MVC architecture with components, services, directives, modules, and dependency injection.
  • React is component-based, with components managing their state. Complex apps may use Flux or Redux for state management.
  • Vue combines declarative templating with composable components. It can integrate with Flux-like state management libraries.

Angular provides a complete MVC framework, while React and Vue are more flexible and focus mainly on the view layer.


When choosing a front-end framework, performance is a key consideration. How fast can the framework render updates? How efficient is it with system resources? Here’s a comparison of Angular Vs. React Vs. Vue on performance metrics:

Speed and Rendering

React and Vue are exceptionally fast at rendering updates because of their virtual DOM diffing algorithms. Changes are batched and only minimal DOM manipulations are done to update what the user sees.

Angular is a bit slower since it uses dirty checking to detect changes. However, recent versions have improved performance through better change detection and other optimizations.

React and Vue are on par speed-wise, while Angular lags slightly behind.

Resource Usage

Vue has the smallest footprint, weighing only 18-21kb minified. It’s the most optimized for size out of these solutions.

React is also quite small at ~40kb minified, although some optional libraries like React Router can add to the bundle size.

Angular is rather heavy, with a bundle size of around 130kb min+gzipped. The framework contains many built-in capabilities so the full size is large compared to simpler libraries like React and Vue.

Regarding performance, Vue and React are excellent choices for buttery-smooth UIs. Angular is a bit slower but still powerful enough for most applications. Regarding bundle sizes and resource usage, Vue is the clear winner, followed by React and Angular.

Learning Curve

When deciding which framework to learn, a beginner must consider how easy or challenging it will be. This often comes down to the learning curve.

  • Angular 

It has a relatively steep learning curve. There are many concepts and techniques to grasp, like TypeScript, components, directives, services, dependency injection, and more. The documentation can be dense and overwhelming at first.

Angular requires learning object-oriented programming principles. So, it may take longer for less experienced developers to gain proficiency.

  • React 

React is simpler and more beginner-friendly. The API surface area is small and the documentation is more approachable. React uses basic JavaScript and JSX, so the barrier to entry is lower. 

Developers only need to know HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to start. The learning curve ramps gradually as you add other libraries like Redux for state management. Overall, React has a shallower learning curve than Angular.

  • Vue 

Vue falls somewhere in between. It has a moderate learning curve that is not as simple as React but more approachable than Angular. Vue combines declarative rendering with an HTML-based template syntax. 

The core concepts like components, props, and reactivity are easy to pick up. Additional libraries and state management introduce complexity over time. However, Vue has enough documentation and resources to help new learners get up to speed.

Therefore, React likely has the most gentle learning curve, followed by Vue and Angular’s steeper curve. This can help developers evaluate which framework may be the quickest to learn based on their experience.


After thoroughly comparing Angular, React, and Vue, pivotal elements have been highlighted that can direct the choice of framework for a hybrid app development agency. 

Angular shines for building large, complex applications and implementing robust testing. React offers unmatched flexibility and modular architecture. Lastly, Vue strikes a nice balance between a full-featured but lightweight framework. 

Overall, Angular leads for enterprise applications, React excels for innovative UIs, and Vue provides a balanced sweet spot. 

Consider your specific needs, team size, and app complexity when deciding. For many projects, Vue provides the best of both worlds. 

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